Jhenidah govt. veterinary college admission-circular-2018-2019 www.jgvc.ac.bd Jhenidah Government Veterinaty school revealed Admission Circular for DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) for the Session of 2018-2019. Jhenidah Government Veterinary school Admission Notice,Eligibility,Apply Instruction,Payment Instruction et al. square measure given below.
jhenaidah Veterinary faculty Admission Result 2017-2018. jhenaidah Govt Veterinary faculty Admission check Notice 2017 has revealed. jhenaidah Veterinary faculty first Year first Semester admission circular for Doctor of Veter inary drugs (DVM) for session 2017. medical specialty course is five years. Interested somebody will collect form tenth Oct 2017 to ninth Nov 2017. Admission check are continued December twenty three,2017
Foreigner and non resident Bangladeshi will apply.HSC/Equivalent result min touchstone a pair of.5 for all subject. Students need to collect admission form College/Bank by Tk. 800/= and type submission last date Nov ninth 2017. somebody WHO passed HSC before 2016,they cannot apply. educational result touchstone half-dozen.5 need in SSC & HSC while not fourth subject.
Doctor of medical specialty is five years degree. There total sixty seat on the market for undergrad admission. Students need to face a hundred marks MCQ examination.
Web Address: computer network .jgvc.ac.bd Official Number: 01710-820625
Admission Time frame:
- Application Start: 10 October 2017
- Application End: 09 November 2017
- Admission Test Date: 23 December 201
- Total GPA 6.50 in SSC and HSC Level with Fourth Subject
- SSC and HSC Individual GPA oo with Fourth Subject
- HSCand Equivalent passing Year 2016 or 2017 from Science Group
Apply Instruction:
Interested and Eligible Students Can Apply through Teletalk within time frame with following format.
JGVC<space>First three Letter of HSC Board Name<space>H SC Roll<space>HSC passing Year<space> First 3 Letter of SSC Board Name<space>SSC Roll<space>SSC passing Year and Send to 16222.
JGVCJES 123456 2017DH.4 123456 2015 and Send to 16222.
After Sending First SMS you will receive a PIN Number with your Particulars. Now Prepare Second SMS like that.
JGVC<space>YES<space>PIN Number <space>Your Contact Number and Send to 16222
Example: JGVC YES 654321 01.xxxxxxx and Send to 16222.
Jhenidah govt. veterinary college admission-circular-2018-2019 www.jgvc.ac.bd

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